Thursday, July 19, 2012


Unfortunately I did not make it to Zumba yesterday.  Boo.  So I made yesterday a rest day.  In hindsight I probably should have done something, but it was so hot!  I really just did not want to do a damn thing.  Today I will be getting my yoga on.  Still debating on whether or not I'm going to do that at the gym or save the gas and do it at home.  Either way it will be happening.

I ended up having a bagel yesterday at like 8:30 in the morning.  Never again.  I felt like my entire day was off eating wise after that.  Not to mention that I made dinner at 4, which is super early even for us, due to the storms.  I wanted to make sure we had at least eaten in case we lost power (which thankfully we didn't), so by 7 I was starving but had already gone over my Points by 3.  I toughed it out and went to bed at 9.  If I had stayed up til 10 I certainly would have made a trip to the kitchen.  I wasn't bored, okay well I was, but I was legit hungry as my stomach was rumbling.

TOM is still MIA.  Should have been here 2 days ago, and on Saturday I was certain it was coming.  WTF, where are you?  No, I'm not pregnant, unless of course it's by immaculate conception or something.  I hate it when it just doesn't come without any kind of reason.  I haven't really been overly stressed, I'm not underweight, my weight hasn't made any drastic changes, so what the hell?  I would REALLY like to be 120 by next week and if it doesn't show, that's just not going to happen.  What's the big deal about next week you ask?  That's when I'm going to see 311!!  Yup, Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday again.  It's not enough, I want more, but my bank account isn't letting me. =(  And I want to be down because dinner's will be out and there will be some alcohol consumption, so I don't want to be back up to 130.  That would really just be frustrating.  I like having some wiggle room. 

Scale reading this morning : 125.4.  I'm hoping that's just because of the hard core strength training that happened Tuesday at the BBG's class, which I am still pretty sore from.  Alright, well I'm going to wrap this up for today.  Have a great one! 


  1. My period was late two months prior to my travel date because I was so anxious. The minute I relaxed it came. Go figure.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. I've done the same something not on track then let it dictate the whole day - it's something I'm really trying to get away from (that mindset). Good luck to us both right :)
