TGIF! I am so so so happy today is the LAST day I have to get up. Which normally doesn't bother me, but I've really been burning the midnight oil this week. This is the 2nd night in a row I've been up til after 3am. I really need to cut that out. I have every intention of taking a nap while the kids are at school today. I already told work that I would come in this weekend instead. After my nap I am going to pump myself full of coffee. I really need to look into an i.v. drip if I'm going to continue these late nights.
So I stepped on the scale this morning. I just needed to. And I didn't do it in my weigh in clothes, I have shorts and a tank top on so I know that the number is going to be less than if I wore my jeans. I just wanted to get a better sense of how much I actually weigh. 129.8! 129, that's less than 130! I am so completely ecstatic that I am actually under 130. And I even weighed after eating breakfast, so I have food and coffee sitting in my stomach. Very excited!
I need to find the motivation and energy to work out today. I'm supposed to start week 4 of RI30 and BBL only wants me to do sculpt. I'm sure I can fit these in. So that's it. Kids are supposed to go to their dad's today, so I have the whole weekend to myyself. I am going to miss them like crazy, but this is a great opportunity to catch up on that sleep I've been missing ;)
Congrats on the loss, I knew you'd make it!