Thursday, April 12, 2012

Official WI 4/12

Down 1.4!  So happy I decided to stick with it.  AND I made myself do my BBL workout last night.  Such a great decision.  Today I did well staying on track.  Have not done 30DS yet, and I am really not feeling well.  Not like in a funk not feeling well, like my throat is killing me and I'm pretty sure I have a fever not feeling well.  I am going to try and do it anyway, but in case I don't do it, I have a legit excuse here.  I'm not slacking.  So I put Phinius & Ferb on for the kids and now I am going to go lay down.  Hopefully I will be able to push through and do my workout.  Even if I have to modify, the important thing is that I get it done.


  1. Congrats on a great loss! I hope you start feeling better and I <3 Phinius & Ferb.
